Soundproofing apartment: what material to prefer?
Thin walls in the apartments are a real scourge of modernity, thanks to which you hear all the details of the life of your neighbors. Particularly acute is the question…

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Self laying laminate
Today laminate flooring has become very popular. The main merit of this is the relatively low cost and good quality. At a low price imitate expensive natural wood floors in…

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The materials used for the construction of stone walls are bricks, blocks of cellular or autoclaved concrete or ceramic stones. They are stacked in horizontal rows on a lime or…

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ceramic tiles can


Concrete construction is usually large scale. The peak of the popularity of the construction of houses from this material, we remember the times of the USSR. Its unique qualities, which provide buildings with special resistance to wind loads, have returned it to its former demand, because the stabilizing properties became the basis for its mass use in high-rise construction. Another interesting and useful feature is the ability to create any architectural form. Continue reading


Aerocrete units are products of cellular concrete, which has many pores inside. This has a great effect on increasing its thermal conductivity. In addition, the ability to retain heat is affected by a unique composition with the presence of bubbles of hydrogen and aluminum powder. Aerated concrete is produced only in the factory using autoclave plants. In the process of manufacturing, the components enter into a chemical reaction, which causes a cellular structure. Continue reading


Quite flat walls are rarely found in apartments. This disadvantage is primarily concerned with old houses, however, modern new buildings are often sinful as well. Eliminate such irregularities can help drywall.
When the wall surface has drops of more than 30 mm, it is time consuming to level them with the help of wet plaster. In this case, it is more appropriate to use sheets GLA. Continue reading

How to combine the kitchen and dining room in a small apartment?
The classic layout of the room suggests that the cooking place is separated from the dining room - rooms for eating, holding buffets and feasts. But modern rooms are so…


Self laying laminate
Today laminate flooring has become very popular. The main merit of this is the relatively low cost and good quality. At a low price imitate expensive natural wood floors in…
