Self laying laminate
Today laminate flooring has become very popular. The main merit of this is the relatively low cost and good quality. At a low price imitate expensive natural wood floors in…

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For a long time, linoleum was valued only for its ease of installation and affordable cost. Thanks to the rapid development of the building materials market today, it can be…

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When carrying out repairs in an apartment, its owners often have to solve the problem of moving switches or sockets to another place. This requires replacing outdated wiring or laying…

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Waterproofing the floor is necessary in order to isolate the bathroom or kitchen in the event of a leak and not cause damage to the neighbors from the bottom. The unpleasant consequences can also affect other areas, including the living room, bedroom or nursery. Considering the importance of this problem, the issue of the installation of the subfloor should be approached in advance, since it will be rather difficult to correct the situation after the completion of the application of the finishing coating.

Waterproofing the bathroom floor

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom can be done in two ways – pasting or coating. The first option, which implies the use of film waterproofing materials in rolls, is practically not used today during repairs, since it requires the use of sophisticated technology. Especially this technique is not suitable for bathrooms with a raised restrictive threshold.

Types of formulations
Liquid (obmazochnaya) waterproofing has many advantages that distinguish it favorably in comparison with roll analogs. It is resistant to aggressive environments and elevated temperatures, as well as high adhesion. The most popular and effective compositions used in such work are:

Cement-polymer – are universal and practical mixtures designed for waterproofing the floor, roof or walls. However, due to the appearance on the market of combined protective solutions, characterized by a higher level of operational characteristics, this type is used much less often today.
Cement-polymer composition

Bituminous – this modification is divided into hot and cold types, and the latter is not recommended for use in contact with concrete or other acid-base media. Bitumen is a plastic and high-strength material capable of retaining water.
Bitumen-polymer – are popular among the masters with extensive experience. This is due to the fact that such mixtures provide good adhesion and have outstanding strength properties. The composition of such materials include special plasticizers, latex filler and organic solvents based on bitumen.
Acrylic – belong to the category of water-based waterproofing of the last generation. They are odorless, have increased strength and ductility, and are also absolutely eco-friendly and safe.
The device of a tiled floor with a waterproofing

Stages of work
Waterproofing a bathroom includes several successive steps:

Strengthening the angle between the floor and the wall.
Processing joints with waterproofing mastic.
Gluing the corners by drowning their edges in solution.
Fastening the reinforcing tape, which requires pre-installation on the holes of the pipes of special cuffs.
Applying mastic on the surface of the walls in two layers, while the intermediate drying should be at least three hours.
Leveling waterproofing layers using a roller or steel trowel.
Roll waterproofing

Base flooring
If the surface of reinforced concrete floors has differences in height, use rough equalizers. For delicate coatings, the base is made of two components – a cement screed and a self-leveling floor.

In order to obtain the most even surface, self-leveling mixtures with a more liquid consistency can be used. Compounds of this type are great when carrying out express repair in a toilet or bathroom, since in this case it takes only a couple of days to complete all the necessary work.

One of the most difficult reasons is the floating floor, whose task is to increase sound and heat insulation. Its installation is carried out according to a complex technology, which involves the application of three layers – mineral wool plates, plastic film and a special self-leveling mortar.

Decorative facade plaster
Such finishing materials for exterior work, such as facade plaster is not only responsible for the attractiveness of the exterior, but also designed to protect the foundation of the house…


Self laying laminate
Today laminate flooring has become very popular. The main merit of this is the relatively low cost and good quality. At a low price imitate expensive natural wood floors in…
