Self laying laminate
Today laminate flooring has become very popular. The main merit of this is the relatively low cost and good quality. At a low price imitate expensive natural wood floors in…

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In the construction and reconstruction of walls - bearing and interior, solid and hollow - we often use brick. For each type of work, a separate variety is taken -…

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Overview of popular construction mixers: which tool to choose?
The construction mixer is an indispensable attribute of the upcoming finishing work in the apartment. Need to prepare a cement mortar? Are you going to apply Venetian plaster? Would you…

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With the onset of autumn and a period of cold weather, the floors in the apartment always become cold and uncomfortable. The heating radiators installed in the room do not warm up the floor sufficiently, the temperature of which rarely rises above 18 degrees. Currently, to solve this problem, there are special heating systems that provide coziness and comfort in the house.

Warm floor in the apartment

Warm floor options
Electric heat-insulated floors are made in three options:

Infrared films.
Heating sections.
Such systems are absolutely safe for human health in terms of electromagnetic effects. In most cases, resistive cables are used as a heating element. When passing through their veins, electricity is converted into heat. Such cable products are usually equipped with at least two protective layers, which prevents the likelihood of overheating, and the structure of the insulating shells used in its construction is improved every year.

Floor heating device

In order to extinguish electric fields and increase the level of mechanical strength, such wiring has a special braided shield. Systems of this type consist of a single or two-conductor cable and a power cable connected to each other with a coupling.

Heating sections
Heating sections are most rational to use in thick cement screed. They are recommended to be switched on only for the night, and in the morning – to switch off. This results from the fact that concrete has the high accumulating calorific ability.

Installation of the heating section is carried out in several stages:

Placing a layer of thermal insulation (polyethylene foam or polystyrene foam).
Application of cement-sand screed using a metal mesh and fixing the mounting tape.
Laying cables snake and their location at the same distance from each other.
Installation of sensors connected to the thermostat.
Floor heating system

Infrared systems
An alternative to the heating sections is a special film made from homogenizing granite and having a heating effect. In this case, the power supply of the floor is carried out using copper bars and a silver network, which are included in its design. Film flooring radiates heat to the entire surface. One of the main advantages of infrared systems is their good compatibility with almost any material – carpet, linoleum, floorboard and laminate.

The process of mounting the heating film is as follows:

Cutting a roll of material into individual strips of the required size.
Installation of contact clips on copper conductors and their insulation along the cutting line.
Connecting the wires.
Creating a hole for the temperature sensor and fixing the device with bitumen.
The bond of the thermal film strips with construction tape, after which it is covered with protective polyethylene.
The film floor can be connected to the power grid immediately after the completion of its installation and the subsequent installation of the floor covering.

Insulated flooring

Types of thermostats
For thermal control, several types of sensors can be used:

Thermostats – the most simple devices that operate in semi-automatic mode.
With artificial intelligence – they allow to control not only the temperature of the floor covering, but also the environment, thereby forming an optimal microclimate in the apartment.
Programmable – such devices imply a pre-setting depending on the time of day and day of the week.

In the construction and reconstruction of walls - bearing and interior, solid and hollow - we often use brick. For each type of work, a separate variety is taken -…


Overview of popular construction mixers: which tool to choose?
The construction mixer is an indispensable attribute of the upcoming finishing work in the apartment. Need to prepare a cement mortar? Are you going to apply Venetian plaster? Would you…
