The electrician in the apartment needs to be changed during a major overhaul, when the old system can no longer withstand the load. In modern new buildings, replacement of wiring,…

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How to combine the kitchen and dining room in a small apartment?
The classic layout of the room suggests that the cooking place is separated from the dining room - rooms for eating, holding buffets and feasts. But modern rooms are so…

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How to combine the kitchen and dining room in a small apartment?
The classic layout of the room suggests that the cooking place is separated from the dining room - rooms for eating, holding buffets and feasts. But modern rooms are so…

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Ceramic tile is an ideal facing material that is used for wall and floor decoration. One of its most common varieties is tile. It is resistant to high humidity and can withstand high temperatures.

Ceramic tile
Features and advantages of the material
Tile is:

An ideal material for wet rooms.
Fire resistant finish.
A practical option to design a room that does not require special care.
This material serves for a very long time – the tile is characterized by high resistance to all external factors, including fungi and mold. Finishing in this way can be carried out both in new buildings and in old houses.

One of the advantages of tile – a large assortment and a huge number of collections from designers. If you want to implement an exclusive project, the masters choose expensive tiles. Need to repair an apartment cheap? Experts will recommend you an economical tile. Using this material, you can transform the room and originally decorate its interior.

Floor tiles
The tile differs in a form, invoice, color, there are special models intended for a floor and for walls. Floor tiles are usually larger. If the finishing material is planned to be used for showers and bathrooms, then its surface is recommended to be made non-slip.

Professional installation
It is very important to put the tile not only correctly, but also beautiful. This is especially true when several types of tile are combined in the same room. Wall decoration in this way will be well combined with other furnishings.

The floor tiles are often laid in the living room, for which beautiful design models are usually used, which reflect the tastes of the owner. This material is more durable, can withstand mechanical stress and does not break. However, the coating may be damaged if it is placed incorrectly.

Tiled wall
Stages of laying tile
Leveling the floor surface with a screed, plastering the walls.
Definition of laying patterns.
Marking the location of the first row.
Fastening support stops.
Laying whole plates on the surface.
Filling the remaining space and gaps with cut tile.
Grout the joints with a scraper or spatula using a special mortar, the excess of which must be removed with a damp sponge before it hardens.
Laying ceramic tiles
Applicable Tools
For high-quality laying of ceramic tiles you need to have the following set of tools:

Levels and plumbs required for marking.
Electric or mechanical tile cutter, in the absence of which you can use the grinder.
Pliers and sandpaper used for grinding the surface, smoothing irregularities and sharp corners.
Capacity for solution.
Rubber hammer, trowels and trowel.
Notched spatulas and scrapers.
Taking into account all the listed features of laying ceramic tiles, you can carry them out yourself, however, it’s best to contact a specialized repair organization for this. Competent specialists will help you calculate the amount of finishing materials needed, and the rich experience of professional craftsmen guarantees the highest quality results.

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