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Wall tiling, which is also often called ceramic tile, is the most traditional and familiar way to finish a bathroom. The numerous advantages of this finishing material, made from natural raw materials by high-temperature processing, explain the rapid growth of its popularity among consumers. Currently, ceramics are also used to decorate kitchens and other hygienic premises in various institutions. In addition, today, tile is often used for facades and interiors in public institutions.

Tiled bathroom

The advantages of tile
Exceptional durability – the service life of walls lined with ceramic tiles can reach 90 years.
Ecological safety – is ensured due to the absence in the composition of harmful and hazardous substances to health.
Ease of maintenance – to maintain an attractive look and preserve the original properties of the tile is not required to handle specific chemical means.
Resistance to fire and low electrical conductivity – ceramic tiles are able to counteract the formation of an electrostatic field.
Scratch and cut resistance – due to the use of high quality and durable components in the manufacturing process.
Aesthetics – a variety of color options, sizes and shapes allow you to choose the finish in accordance with any design concepts and ideas.
Moisture resistance – due to heat treatment the tile is not susceptible to the formation of microcracks under the influence of moisture.
Ceramic tile

Material disadvantages
The need for time-consuming and thorough leveling of the wall surface before laying, which significantly increases the cost of repairs.
Ceramic tile has a higher cost compared to water-repellent wallpaper and PVC panels, which are one of the most common analogues of this material.
The inability to replace individual damaged tiles, since in this case, a projection inevitably forms between the old and new tiles.
The presence of tile joints, which are sealed with unpleasant to the touch mortar with a rough and heterogeneous surface.
Wall tiling

Laying technology
Before the start of finishing works, it is necessary to calculate in advance the amount of consumable materials. First of all, the walls should be treated with a primer, which ensures the most reliable fixing of the tile. In some cases, reinforcing mesh is additionally used, but it is required only in the presence of strong curvatures or irregularities of the wall surface.

Laying the first row starts from the floor, while near the plinth you need to leave room for cut tiles, which can also be placed in corners closed by furniture or other areas that do not attract eyes. The correct location of the tile is checked using a level. Excess glue that forms during work should be immediately removed, otherwise it will have to be scraped off after finishing. The joints between the tiles are plastered with a putty using a rubber trowel.

Laying tile in the bathroom

The classic option is the use of plain tiles. This design allows you to create a single composition and a complete image. When working with ceramics in contrasting colors, it is necessary to think through all the smallest details, up to the placement of pieces of furniture. To visually expand the area of ​​the bathroom, it is recommended to use a ceramic tile with a glossy surface or tile of light shades.

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