How to make a ceiling of plasterboard
Modern plasterboard ceilings differ from their typical “brothers” with a number of indisputable advantages and are able to literally transform the interior of any room. Such ceilings, above all, provide…

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Высшее образование
Repair in the children's room: what to look for?
From an early age, every child needs personal space - a room where he can feel comfortable, enjoy playing, without disturbing his parents. The children's room with their own hands…

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How to combine the kitchen and dining room in a small apartment?
The classic layout of the room suggests that the cooking place is separated from the dining room - rooms for eating, holding buffets and feasts. But modern rooms are so…

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activities that need


The choice of high-quality and beautiful ceiling coverings is an important stage in the renovation of the apartment. Finding the right option is complicated by a huge assortment of various designs available on the market. This article presents the most popular types of ceilings and describes the features of the materials used for their design. Continue reading


For a long time, linoleum was valued only for its ease of installation and affordable cost. Thanks to the rapid development of the building materials market today, it can be used not only when conducting budget repairs, but also in modern stylish interiors. Unusual textures, a variety of different colors and beautiful design – this is not a complete list of the advantages of this material, for which many designers and decorators fell in love with it. Continue reading

Laying laminate on uneven floors

Laminate is rapidly gaining popularity among the finishing materials. Its relatively low cost is not an indication that this material will not last long. The main condition – laying laminate boards on a perfectly flat floor surface. Of course, you can lay it on the old floor, which has irregularities. But in the process of repair will have to face various nuances that can significantly complicate the work. In short, laying laminate on an uneven floor is a very important matter. Continue reading

Repair in the children's room: what to look for?
From an early age, every child needs personal space - a room where he can feel comfortable, enjoy playing, without disturbing his parents. The children's room with their own hands…


Repair in the children's room: what to look for?
From an early age, every child needs personal space - a room where he can feel comfortable, enjoy playing, without disturbing his parents. The children's room with their own hands…
