Today, the demand for wooden houses is constantly increasing, and this is not surprising. Natural wood is an environmentally friendly natural material that maintains the desired microclimate in the room, is light and easy to process. Wooden walls are built from:
Plain, profiled and glued timber.
Round and solid logs.
Clapboard and blockhouse (these options are only suitable for plating).
Wooden walls
Types of wood
The wood used for work undergoes preliminary antiseptic processing. This procedure does not require large time and financial costs, and its results are:
Preventing the formation of fungus.
Reliable protection of material from insects.
Increased resistance to mechanical damage.
Used wood species differ in their properties and performance characteristics. For example, spruce is practically not subject to volume changes, and pine has an open cellular structure, thereby ensuring moisture and airtightness. The durability of the erected building largely depends on the types of wood used and the place of logging, since adverse climatic and weather factors have a negative effect on the quality of this material.
Walls from the rounded bar
Construction of houses from a log
To build walls of solid logs, freshly chopped coniferous trees are used. Hand-made houses are classics of wooden housing construction. The crowns are stacked on each other in special grooves, cut down with an ax. The resulting seams need caulk.
Smooth rounded logs are made using the method of machine processing. Thanks to this technology, the resulting material has a strictly defined geometric shape. All the necessary locks and grooves are created at the factory, and the construction of the building resembles the assembly of the designer.
Houses made of logs need to be impregnated with special protective compounds and paint. The disadvantage of cylindering is that the raw materials are often uneven or curved, and the most durable outer layer is ground off during processing.
Log house
Walling of timber
The process of building walls from a bar of natural moisture is much easier. This material differs in ease in processing and reasonable price. Its disadvantages include substantial shrinkage during drying and susceptibility to cracking.
A popular option is the use of dry profiled timber that has undergone a chamber drying procedure. It can be in the form of “comb” or made in the form of a profile “thorn-groove”.
Use of a bar for walling
Noglins and metal brackets are used to fasten individual elements. The corners of the crown strip should be assembled halfway through, and the subsequent angles should be assembled with keys or spikes. The pronounced structure of natural wood used for the production of glued and profiled timber eliminates the need for additional surface finishing after the completion of work.