Transparent roof - an interesting solution
Transparent roof has become quite popular only recently. Usually for its creation use materials such as acrylic and polycarbonate. Acrylic is characterized by elasticity, quality and high strength. That is…

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Decorative facade plaster
Such finishing materials for exterior work, such as facade plaster is not only responsible for the attractiveness of the exterior, but also designed to protect the foundation of the house…

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A few words about ceramic tiles
The main advantage of ceramic tile is its durability. This material will last much longer than the same linoleum, parquet and laminate. In the range of ceramic tiles there are…

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laminate for an apartment

Top 10 mistakes when repairing kitchen: how to avoid them?

Errors in the repair are inevitable, but sometimes they are in the smallest details that do not affect the level of comfort, and sometimes become a real disaster. It is especially important to follow all the rules when repairing a kitchen, because safe and fast cooking will require certain conditions. What are the typical mistakes people make when manipulating here? How to avoid problems, stress and unnecessary expenses in the future? Continue reading

Overview of popular construction mixers: which tool to choose?

The construction mixer is an indispensable attribute of the upcoming finishing work in the apartment. Need to prepare a cement mortar? Are you going to apply Venetian plaster? Would you like to reduce repair time and spend less energy? Without a mixer can not do. And if the choice of a drill, a grinder and a jackhammer seems to be a simple task, there are certain difficulties with the mixer. Continue reading

Soundproofing apartment: what material to prefer?

Thin walls in the apartments are a real scourge of modernity, thanks to which you hear all the details of the life of your neighbors. Particularly acute is the question of sound insulation arises when a small child appears behind the wall, a noisy family, or you decide to arrange your confidential privacy without devoting plans to the whole entrance. To realize our plans, you need to choose a material for sound insulation of the walls in the apartment under the wallpaper or other coating. Continue reading

This kind of suspension systems, like suspended ceilings, quickly gained popularity among buyers. And all because they are fast installation, low price, wide range of colors, and at the same…


When carrying out repairs in an apartment, its owners often have to solve the problem of moving switches or sockets to another place. This requires replacing outdated wiring or laying…
