With the onset of autumn and a period of cold weather, the floors in the apartment always become cold and uncomfortable. The heating radiators installed in the room do not…

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Soundproofing apartment: what material to prefer?
Thin walls in the apartments are a real scourge of modernity, thanks to which you hear all the details of the life of your neighbors. Particularly acute is the question…

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When is the best time to start repairs: in winter or in summer?
Before you begin repairs in the apartment, many people doubt what time of year is best - summer or winter. Here you need to understand that each season has its…

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ample opportunities for design


The choice of high-quality and beautiful ceiling coverings is an important stage in the renovation of the apartment. Finding the right option is complicated by a huge assortment of various designs available on the market. This article presents the most popular types of ceilings and describes the features of the materials used for their design. Continue reading

Stretch ceiling. Installation, care
Residents of high-rise buildings are always haunted by the fear of being flooded by their neighbors from above, but with the advent of stretch ceilings, these concerns are a thing…


Warming the balcony. How to warm the balcony?
People living in a high-rise building have a balcony or loggia. Most people use this area to store their belongings, such as strollers, bicycles, vegetables and tools. In small apartments,…
